Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Belgian Weather Forecast

Widget properties
Instructions for use
To browse to the forecast of the next or the previous day, click the previous or the nextbuttons.
You can add this widget to your personalised iGoogle page or you can embed it in a webpage or blog message.
This widget's homepage in the Google gadget directory can be foundhere.
Ask us to replace our logo at the bottom of the widget with your logo and link message. You can put this personalised widget on your website or blog and you can even initiate the viral spread of it in order to have your company logo and message displayed on multiple sites.
Technical info
A server application initiates a webcrawler that goes online and makes a daily copy of the weather forecast data as it is being published by the BDB, both in Dutch and in French. Also, another automatic server process takes care of the transformation of the html page originally composed as a complex html table gets into a universally usable dataformat, XML.
On the widget's frontside, on the 'onDomComplete' event of the widget, a JavaScript process builds the HTML structure of the widget and fetches the data from the server by executing asynchronous HTTP calls (AJAX). Finally, this XML object is getting looped through and the data is injected into the HTML code. The 'next' and 'previous' buttons execute yet another JavaScript function on their 'onClick' event and hide the currently displayed forecast and make the widget display the forecast for the next or the previous day.
Server Technology
Widget Technology
Sources of the Data

De Bodemkundige Dienst van België vzw
The Widgetbox

This widget is also available on 'widgetbox' from where you can easily get the code for publication on Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, Netvibes, Pageflakes, etc

1 comment:

Paul De Bie said...


ik zou graag je puike widget van het weerbericht van de bodemkundige dienst op mijn blog zetten ( maar enkele vragen/problemen:
a) steeds een verticale scrollbar zichtbaar rechts; kan die weg?
b) de witte rechthoek onderaan die het gedeeltelijke bederft, kan die weg?
c) eventueel: kan je de widget niet half zo groot maken. Neemt wel erg veel plaats in.
Alvast bedankt voor de moeite!
